Sunday, 21 July 2013

Dance for freedom

“Dance is used in protest in many parts of the world.
In South Africa, dance and song has always been intrinsic to protesting for human rights – and is often led by women. Dance was considered the most performing rebellious/revolutionary act to display in front of the apartheid regime precisely because it said to them that no matter what they do they will never restrain the human spirit, the ability to dance and be.
Dance denotes a freedom of body, mind and soul.
It is both a celebratory and a rebellious act in that it speaks of a freedom of movement, a non-restricted relationship to body and is the … antithesis of an oppressed, restrained and violated body.
Dance is essentially non-patriarchal and it rebels against patriarchal control over the female body.
It is a misnomer to think of celebration as non-revolutionary. Celebration is the ultimate rebellious act in a world that is dictated to us by non-celebratory forces.
It is every women’s right to live in a celebratory world – one that celebrates her sexuality, her beauty, her wisdom, her body, her right to be orgasmic and free. To not recognize that urge is to remain in the clutches of the austere and patriarchal ethos.
To pooh pooh dance in protest also speaks of a western superiority as dance is used in protest in non-western culture naturally – why should we then not include it in a global movement?
Perhaps it is time for dissenters to consider what celebration and contemporary protest have in common, to wonder what such ritualized display of dissent may be able to do in a dynamic process of social change.
Dance, carnival and celebration has been used throughout history to destabilize restrictive leadership and government and it is destabilizing in that it cannot be contained or categorized as aggressive. This is not about women playing dance, it’s about revolution. You have the choice to rise, strike or dance.
Those who would like to dance should be free to do so!”
Gillian Schutte

“La danza se usa en muchas partes del mundo como protesta.
En Sudáfrica por ejemplo, danzar y cantar ha sido siempre intrínseco a la protesta por los derechos humanos, y a menudo, es algo liderado por mujeres.
Danzar denota un cuerpo, una mente y un alma libres.
Es un acto de celebración y rebelión a la vez que habla de libertad de movimiento, de una relación no restrictiva con el cuerpo y es la antítesis de un cuerpo oprimido, moderado y violado. Es esencialmente no-patriarcal y se revela contra el control patriarcal sobre los cuerpos de las mujeres. Es erróneo pensar que la celebración no es revolucionaria. La celebración es el acto máximo de rebelión en un mundo que nos es dictado por fuerzas de la "no-celebración".
En Sudáfrica, de nuevo, danzar ha sido utilizado a menudo como un acto performativo rebelde y revolucionario frente al régimen del apartheid, precisamente porque les decía a las autoridades draconianas, que hicieran lo que hicieran no podrían aplacar el espíritu humano, la capacidad de danzar, de expresarse y de existir.
Toda mujer tiene el derecho a vivir en un mundo de celebración, que celebra su sexualidad, su belleza, su sabiduría, su cuerpo, su derecho a ser orgásmica y libre. Su derecho a no reconocer la obligatoriedad de permanecer entre las garras del espíritu patriarcal.
Además, negar la danza como modo de protesta también habla de la arrogancia occidental, puesto que la danza es a menudo utilizada como protesta en culturas no occidentales. ¿Por qué no incluirlas, pues, en un movimiento global?
Tal vez sea éste un buen momento para que los que no están de acuerdo se paren a considerar qué es lo que tienen en común la celebración y la protesta contemporánea, para que se pregunten cómo podría, semejante exhibición ritualizada de disidencia, participar en un proceso dinámico de cambio social.
La danza, el carnaval y la celebración han sido utilizados a través de la historia en muchas culturas del mundo para desestabilizar liderazgos restrictivos y crueles, y es des-estabilizando de este modo, cuando se produce una manifestación de desobediencia civil que no puede, ni contenerse, ni categorizarse como agresiva. Esto no va de mujeres jugando a bailar. Esto va de una revolución. Puedes elegir entre ponerte en pie, hacer huelga o danzar.
¡Aquellos que elijan danzar deberían ser libres para hacerlo!”
Gillian Schutte

Spanish translation from (modified)

Friday, 19 July 2013



Genero: Femenino. 
Planeta: Venus. 
Elemento: Agua.  
Usos mágicos: Valor, amor, poderes psíquicos y exorcismo. Si se lleva encima protege a su portador, y cuando se sostiene en la mano, frena el miedo y confiere valor. Proporciona amor y atrae a los amigos o parientes lejanos con quienes se desea entrar en contacto. Llamará la atención de quien más deseas ver. Con las flores se hace una Infusión y el té resultante se bebe para aumentar los poderes psíquicos. Igualmente es utilizada para exorcizar el mal y la energía negativa de las personas, lugares o cosas.

Enciclopedia de las Hierbas Mágicas, de Scott Cunningham 

Pink Yarrow on the far left

Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus 
Element: Water 
Powers: Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism 
Folk Names: Achillea, Arrowroot (although yarrow is not what is commonly referedto as arrowroot), Bad Man's Plaything,Carpenter's Weed, Death Flower, Devil'sNettle, Eerie, Field Hops, Gearwe, Hundred Leaved Grass, Knight's Milfoil,Knyghten, Lady's Mantle, Milfoil, Militaris,Military Herb, Millefolium, Noble Yarrow, Nosebleed, Old Man's Mustard, OldMan's Pepper, Sanguinary, Seven Year's Love, Snake's Grass, Soldier's Woundwort, Stanch Griss, Stanch Weed, Tansy, Thousand Seal, Wound Wort, Yarroway, Yerw. 
Magical Uses: When worn, yarrow protectsthe wearer, and when held in the hand, it stops all fear and grants courage. A bunch of dried yarrow hung over the bed or yarrow used in wedding decoration sensures a love lasting at least seven years. Yarrow is also used in love spells. Carrying yarrow not only brings love but it also attracts friends and distant relations you wish to contact. It draws the attention of those you most want to see. The flowers are made into an infusion and the resulting tea is drunk to improve psychic powers. Washing the head with a yarrow infusion will prevent baldness but won't cure it if it has already begun. Yarrow is also used to exorcise evil and negativity from a person, place or thing.

Encyclopedia of Magical HerbsScott Cunningham

Thursday, 4 July 2013


(Verbena officinalis)
Gender: Feminine.
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Kerridwen, Mars, Venus, Aradia, Isis, Jupiter, Thor, Juno
Also known as Enchanters Herb, Holy Herb, Verbena, Blue Vervain, and Holy Wort.
A Druid sacred herb, common in their many rites and incantations, this hardy perennial has deeply cut lower leaves and smooth upper leaves with small dense spikes of pale lilac-pink flowers. An ancient sacred herb of purification, visions, and love potions, it was included in liqueurs and aphrodisiacs. Vervain was so highly regarded by the Druids that offerings were placed on altars.

"Vervain" is a derivative of the Celtic fer (to drive away) and faen (stone), given to it because of its ability to purge calculi (gravel) from the bladder. A tea of the herb helps to increase breast mild and is helpful in lowering fever, especially of the intermittent type. It will benefit eczema and other skin eruptions, as it is a kidney and liver cleanser. Jaundice, whooping cough, edema, mastitis, and headaches fall under its sphere. To make the tea, steep one tablespoon of the herb per cup of water for twenty minutes. Externally, vervain is used in poultices for ear infections, rheumatism and wounds. Vervain is an emmenagogue (brings down the menses) and soothes the nerves. It is reputed to have aphrodisiac properties. It is a powerful lymphatic detoxifier and has a cleansing effect on the female organs. Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata), the American variety, is a natural tranquilizer and is helpful with colds and fevers, especially when the upper respiratory tract is involved. It will eliminate intestinal worms and is used externally for wounds. It is distinguished from the European vervain by its deeper blue flowers and denser, bristly flower spikes. Blue vervain is also prepared in a standard infusion or tinctured in alcohol. 
Parts Used: Above ground portions of the herb.
Magical Uses: Vervain is a profoundly magical herb belonging to the sphere of Venus. Roman priests and priestesses used it as an altar plant - it was tied in bundles and used to ritually "sweep" and purify the altar. Druids placed it in water that was sprinkled on worshipers as a blessing. Vervain was picked at the rising of the Dog Star, at the dark of the moon, just before flowering. It was taken from the earth with the sacred sickle and raised aloft in the left hand. After prayers of thanksgiving were spoken the Druid or Druidess left a gift of honey to recompense the Earth for her loss. Vervain was once infused in wine and worn on the body to ward off the stings of insects and serpents.
It is used in the bath as a protection from enchantments and to make dreams come true. Wearing or bathing in vervain places one under the influence of Diana. After washing your hands in the infusion, it will be possible to engender love in the one you touch.
To dispel fears, light a candle daily and surround it with vervain. Speak aloud a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses asking for release from your fear. Do this as long as necessary. On the night of the full moon, go outside with a chalice filled with water, vervain and salt. Take also a candle and a piece of petrified wood. Dip the stone into the water mixture and then pass it through the candle flame. Touch the stone to your feet, hands, shoulders, and head. As you do this ask for the blessings of youth and beauty. Repeat the process seven times.
Vervain is worn as a crown during Druidic initiatory rites and as protection for those who are working magic. Sprinkle throughout the home for protection and to bring peace. Keep some in the bedroom to bring tranquil dreams. Keep it in the home to attract wealth and to keep plants healthy. Sprinkle some on the garden as an offering to the elementals and other nature spirits. Drinking the juice of fresh vervain is said to cut sexual desire. Burn it to banish the pangs of unrequited love. Vervain is worn to recover stolen articles. Tucked into a child's cradle, the plant brings joy and a lively intellect. When burned, Vervain is powerful for warding psychic attack, but it is also used in spells for love, purification and attracting wealth. It is a powerful attractant to the opposite sex. Use for Anointing; Banishing; Gather and burn at Litha; Altar Offering; Creativity; Energy; Strength; Power.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Raymond Buckland & Pentacles of Pride

¡Por fin! He encontrado el libro que tanto tiempo andaba buscando. Lo he encontrado en una tienda de esoterismo en la ciudad y estoy entusiasmada. De momento sólo he leído un capítulo, pero he podido comprobar que es un libro muy completo, con teoría, ejercicios tipo examen y bastante historia sobre la brujería y la wicca.

Finally! I found the book I was looking for so long. I found it in a store of esotericism in the city and I'm excited. So far I've only read one chapter, but I can say that is a very comprehensive book, with theory, exam-style exercises and history about witchcraft and Wicca.

Además, me han llegado por fin los pentaculos de Pentacles of Pride ( La verdad, han tardado bastante (4 meses), pero supongo que es algo inusual y que habrán tenido algún tipo de problema. El caso es que ya los tengo aquí y puedo llevarlos puestos como símbolo de orgullo. Además, te vienen dos, uno para mi y otro para que se lo regales a alguien. Os dejo la carta con la que venían.

Also, I have finally received the Pentacles of Pride letter ( The truth is that they have been slow (4 months), but I guess it's something unusual and that they have had some kind of problem. Anyway, the pentacles are here and I can wear them as a symbol of pride. Furthermore, they came two, one for me and one for give it to someone. I leave the letter they send me.

Monday, 1 July 2013