Ilargi amandrea,
Zeruan ze beri?
-Zeruan berri onak,
Oran eta beti.
De las escasas fuentes disponibles se desprende que los vascos, antes de la llegada del cristianismo, profesaban una mezcla de animismo y adoracion a los cuerpos celestes, especialmente la Luna (Ilargia). A ella dedicaban una serie de canticos y danzas las noches de luna llena que duraban hasta el amanecer.
Unamuno recognizes that neither in the customs nor in the language of the Basques do there remain marks of an indigenous cult or of religious beliefs prior to the introduction of Christianity.
As historic testimony, there remains that of Estrabon, who says in his Geografia that the vascones reunited with their families on the nights of the full moon, to venerate with songs and dances an unnamed god.